Automatic Payment:
Change or Cancel

Automatic Payment withdraws your monthly payment automatically from your checking or savings account.

  • Get a paper bill in the mail or paperless one emailed to you, your choice.
  • Automatic Payment is free.

Change Automatic Payment

  • To change the type of account or account number to debit, but not the bank: - Contact PNM Customer Service: - (888) 342-5766
  • To change banks: - Mail us a completed Automatic Payment Authorization Agreement with new information. Follow the below instructions to "Change your bank information by mail."

Change your bank information by mail

Send us a new authorization agreement when you want to change the bank information for an existing Automatic Payment plan.

  1. Download, print, and complete the Automatic Payment Authorization Agreement.
  1. Mail the signed authorization agreement to:

    Automatic Payment
    Main Offices
    Albuquerque, N.M., 87158-0525

Cancel Automatic Payment

  • Contact PNM, at the above number, at least three business days before the next scheduled withdrawal date. - We may ask you, for your protection, to put your request in writing.
  • If you cancel Automatic Payment, you will still be responsible for timely payment of your bill.